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Imprensa & prêmios

350+  Comentários positivos no TripAdvisor

350+ Comentários positivos no TripAdvisor

 RECOMENDADO no Lonely Planet

RECOMENDADO no Lonely Planet

600+  Comentários positivos no AirBnB Experiences

600+ Comentários positivos no AirBnB Experiences

1050+  Comentários positivos no GetYourGuide

1050+ Comentários positivos no GetYourGuide


Lonely Planet

“In the second week of the Olympic Games, we had double the usual number of tourists,” says Eduardo Cruxen, who co-owns Brazil Expedition, which specializes in local tours. Leia mais

For the Love of Travel

“For those seeking to dig deeper into Rio’s public art scene, there are street art tours in the city, including a four-hour tour from Brazil Expedition, which runs during the work week (or for groups on weekends).” Leia mais

Jetset Times

For a chance to explore Brazil with experienced guides, try out Brazil Expedition, which feature football, hanging gliding, surfing, samba, cooking and even favela tours! Leia mais

El Heraldo

“La primera semana de los Juegos fue floja, ahora está subiendo y se compara con carnaval, que tiene bastante demanda”, apunta Cruxen, que organiza dos tours por día a la Rocinha y puede trasladar a unos 500 turistas por mes en temporada alta a la favela, la más visitada, una de las mayores de la ciudad y próxima al parque olímpico. Leia Mais

El Nacional

“Las personas de la favela son muy castigadas”, lamenta Cruxen. “Llamarles “afavelados” es como llamarles de segunda. Cuando ven al extranjero crean una conexión interesante y sana. Quiebra un estigma”. Leia Mais


I hooked up with Brazil Expeditions for their daily encounter in this heaving hillside shanty town, with a population of over 200,000 residents jam-packed into the hillside. My guide was Edson, a charismatic and enlightening 20-something resident of the favela, who started learning English just three years ago. Leia Mais